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User Agreement

Please read these terms carefully before browsing this site. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use this site. Using this site, including filling out various forms, applications, as well as your ordering goods / services using this site, means your agreement to the terms of this User Agreement.

1.Terms of use of the site rz-market.com

1.1. This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an offer of conditions for the use of the website https://rz-market.com (hereinafter referred to as the Site), concluded between the Site Administration and an individual (hereinafter referred to as the User), and governing the conditions use of information posted on the Site, and the conditions for the provision of information by the User for posting on the Site.

1.2. The user of the Site is any individual who views information on the Site and / or orders and / or receives Products using the tools of the Site. The Beneficiary and the Payer are Users.

1.3. The user is obliged to fully familiarize himself with this Agreement before registering on the Site. User registration on the Site means full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement by the User. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Agreement, the use of the Site by the User must be terminated immediately. User registration is carried out by filling out the registration form, after which he gets access to the «Personal Account». The User undertakes not to use the «Personal Account» to commit illegal actions, as well as actions that violate the rights or interests of third parties. In case of violation of this rule, the User undertakes to reimburse the Site for all costs incurred in connection with such actions.

1.4. This Agreement may be amended and / or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally without any special notice. These Rules are open and publicly available document.

1.5. The Agreement provides for the mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Site Administration on the following points:

  • Procedure for using the Site,
  • Personal information of the User,
  • Limitation of liability of the Site Administration,
  • Procedure for the Agreement.

2. Procedure for using the Site

2.1. The rz-market.com website allows you to view and download information from our website solely for your personal, non-commercial use. It is forbidden to modify the materials on the site, distribute them for public or commercial purposes. Any use of information on other sites or in computer networks is prohibited.

2.2. When registering on the Site and placing orders, you agree to provide true and accurate information about yourself and your contact information.

2.3. During the registration process on the Site, you will receive a username and password, for the security of which you are responsible.

2.4. You can contact us with questions, complaints, wishes for improving the work, or with any other information. At the same time, you are responsible that this appeal is not illegal, threatening, does not violate copyrights, does not discriminate against people on any grounds, and does not contain insults or otherwise does not violate the current legislation of Ukraine.

3. Personal information of the User

3.1. The Site Administration treats the confidential information of any person who has become a visitor to the Site with respect and responsibility. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to the collection and use of certain information about the User in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Personal Data» and the Privacy Policy. In addition, the User agrees that the Site Administration can collect, use, transfer, process and maintain information associated with the User's account in order to provide the relevant services.

3.2. The Site Administration undertakes to collect only that personal information that the Consumer provides voluntarily in the event that information is needed to provide (improve) the goods/services of the Site.

3.3. The Site Administration collects both basic personal data, such as name, surname, patronymic, email address, and secondary (technical) data– cookies, connection information and system information.

3.4. The User agrees that the confidentiality of data transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed if access to this data is obtained by third parties outside the area of ​​technical means of communication subject to the Site Administration. The Site Administration is not responsible for damage caused by such access. 

3.5. The Site Administration can use any information collected through the Site in order to improve the content of the website, improve it, transfer information to the User (upon request), for marketing or research purposes, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine.

4. Limitation of liability of the Site Administration

4.1. The Site Administration does not bear any responsibility for any errors, misprints and inaccuracies that may be found in the materials contained on this Site. The Site Administration makes every necessary effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on the Site. All information and materials are provided on an «as is» basis, without any warranties, either express or implied.

4.2. The information on the Site is constantly updated and may become outdated at any time. The Site Administration is not responsible for receiving outdated information from the Site, as well as for the inability of the User to receive updates on the information stored on the Site.

4.3. The Site Administration does not bear any responsibility for the statements and opinions of the Site visitors left as comments or reviews. The opinion of the Site Administration may not coincide with the opinion and position of the authors of reviews and comments. At the same time, the Site Administration takes all possible measures to prevent the publication of messages that violate applicable law or morality.

4.4. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User in relation to third parties, or third parties in relation to the User.

4.5. The Site Administration is not responsible for the statements of the User, produced or published on the Site.

4.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for damage, losses or expenses (real or possible) arising in connection with this Site, its use or inability to use it.

4.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for the loss by the User of the ability to access his account – the account on the Site.

4.8. The Site Administration is not responsible for incomplete, inaccurate, incorrect indication by the User of his data when creating a User account.

4.9. If problems arise in using the Site, disagreement with specific sections of the User Agreement, or if the User receives inaccurate information from third parties, or information of an offensive nature, any other unacceptable information, please contact the Site Administration so that the Site Administration can analyze and eliminate the relevant defects, limit and prevent the receipt of unwanted information on the Site, as well as, if necessary, limit or terminate the obligation to provide its services to any User and client who deliberately violates the provisions of the Agreement and the functioning of the Site.

4.10. For the purposes of the above, the Site Administration reserves the right to delete the information posted on the Site and take technical and legal measures to terminate access to the Site by Users who, according to the Site Administration, create problems in using the Site by other Users, or Users who violate the requirements of the Agreement.

5. Procedure for the Agreement

5.1. This Agreement is a contract. The Site Administration reserves the right to both change this Agreement and enter a new one. Such changes take effect from the moment they are posted on the Site. The User's use of the site materials after the Agreement is changed automatically means their acceptance.

5.2. This Agreement enters into force upon the first visit to the Site by the User and is valid between the User and the Site Administration throughout the entire period of use of the Site by the User.

5.3. All objects of copyright on the Site are intellectual property and are protected by law (see p. Copyright protection).

5.4. The User agrees not to reproduce, not to repeat, not to copy in whole or in the form of any part of the objects of intellectual property unless such permission is given to the User by the Site Administration.

5.5. All trademarks and names referenced in the materials on this Site are the property of their respective owners.

5.6. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. Issues not regulated by the Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.